Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Theme: Our Watershed

 Last time in garden class, we learned about the water cycle - it describes how water moves around from land to air and back again! Over and over!

*A watershed is like a giant funnel - it collects water and describes the journey of water on the land.

*The San Francisco Bay Area is a giant watershed! 
*Water flows down from the hills, from the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, into the Delta, into the Bay, and eventually out into the Pacific Ocean!

Berkeley is part of the watershed!

*We want water to soak into the ground - it helps our garden and all the plants and animals who live here.

What would happen if water couldn't soak into the ground? (think about parking lots and roads)

What would happen if the water became polluted along its trip through the watershed?

Activity - Make a 3D watershed topographic map
1. Crumple up a piece of paper and gently unfold it
2. Notice the "hills" and "valleys"
3. Color your watershed with green hills, brown soil, and blue water.
4. Observe: where would water collect and flow?

Bonus Thought: What would happen if pollution got into the watershed at the top of a hill?

Theme: Citrus!

 Hello Gardeners Everywhere!

We've been looking at citrus fruits in our garden classes this week. 

It is a large family of fruits, sharing many characteristics. 

What do citrus fruits have in common?

What do you have in common with other people?

Check out this amazing graphic of the Citrus Family Tree:

What's your favorite citrus fruit?

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Theme: I am The Water Cycle

 *Where can you find water in your food?

Activity: Find a food that has water in it...

*Where did the water come from BEFORE it was in your food?

*Have you ever thought about the journey of water?

*Water changes and flows through the water cycle - the same water that we drink today is the same water that was on Earth millions of years ago!

*Where have you seen water flowing in the BAY Area?

*We are all connected to water! 

*Observe each step of the water cycle this week outside (or inside)!

Monday, January 11, 2021

Theme: All the Activities

 Hi Gardeners.

Last time in garden class, we made Garden Activity Containers where we brainstormed different garden-themed movements, wrote them on small pieces of paper, and added them to a container.

Then, we chose one out at random and all did an exercise together to keep us warm, flowing, and active.

Here is the Great Big List of ALL the ideas that students came up with last week (totally random, in no particular order!):

10 arm vine stretches

40 bear hand shakes

30 growing branches

20 start poses

20 tree stars

1 minute windy tree pose

10 second stem massage

10 apple picks

5 water cycle arm circles

10 second strawberry dab

20 second avocado curl

2 minute tree pose

Bean stretch

10 sprouting squats

10 sunflower stretches

10 Earth spins

5 cycle circles

20 star poses

9 water-jacks

30 second sun pose

5 minute tree pose

40 flower poses

10 mushroom arm openings

20 time lapse squats

30 second flower "4" pose

5 plant part flows

10 plant part stretches

Dead Bug pose

10 fruit victory shakes

Giant arm circles (picking vegetables)

Scavenger Hunt! Find a plant part!

20 jumping jack-fruits

5 bud-flower poses

10 seconds buzzing bees

30 popcorn jumps

20 lemon stretches (lay down, touch toes)

20 banana peel stretches

20 seconds caterpillar arms

10 rabbit jumps

Bee bundle

1 minute zombie apple tree

20 avocado jumps

10 radish squats

10 water cycle shoulder circles

5 jumping lemons

2 minute banana stand

10 onion squats

10 seconds dead plant pose

10 seconds popcorn popping

20 trunk twists

1 minute pumpkin squat stretch

15 persimmon-pick jumps

30 bend over strawberry picks cross body

10 reaching vines

Straight vine stretch

30 seconds fruit flapping

Silly seed squat

Banana back bend

Broccoli side stretch

30 seconds gravity bend

10 seed sprouting squats

11 tummy rubs

10 slow tea orbits

30 venus fly trap jumping jacks

20 waterfall back bends

5 caterpillar crunches

20 cilantro leaf shakes

10 cactus twists

10 soil scoops

10 windmills

100 second sun pose

10 carrot jumps

20 seed squats

10 seconds caterpillar wiggle

15 spinach squats

12 turtle bends

Seal pose

5 grasshopper jumps

10 daffodil pushups

20 full oranges (giant arm circles)

25 chili pepper jumps

15 seconds soil rest

30 cross body lemon pick stretch

20 plum jumps

1 minute branches out sun pose

16 apple chomps

15 squirrel toes dig

30 grass waves in the wind

Scorpion pose

25 plum tree climbers

9 river jumps

25 cross arm strawberry picks bottom-top

10 star jumps

Draw a plant

20 second wide branches tree pose

1 minute paddle arms

10 worm bends

15 seconds cucumber stretch

20 kale jumps

25 pomegranate opposite arm/leg crunches

*Have fun doing these activities outside, inside, in the kitchen, in the garden, or wherever you can! 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Theme: Warm in the Winter!

 Happy New Year, Everyone, Everywhere!

I hope everyone has been able to enjoy the darkness of the Northern Hemisphere and cozy up with some tea and citrus!

In the school garden, things look Wintery - cover crops are sprouting and the soil is wet from the rain we've been getting in the Bay Area!

*This week, we are making "Garden Movement Containers," where we creatively come up with garden-themed movements and pull one out at random for everyone to do.

To make your Container:

- Use any container (box, bag, jar, etc)

- Cut paper into small pieces

- Write (or draw) your own garden-themed movements and place them in the box

- Choose one and enjoy some movements during these cold Winter days!

I will compile the "master list" of garden-themed movements and add them to the blog as each class invents more!

In the meantime, try 20 "trunk twists," 5 "caterpillar crunches," or 25 "jumping jackfruits!" Maybe some "water cycle arm circles?"

Have fun and stay warm!


Theme: Cycle Stories

  Good day, Gardeners! We usually make "Cycle Stories" in the Fall. Today we tried this activity in Spring!  We found many amazing...