Friday, June 5, 2020

Theme: Staying Healthy

Hi Everyone, Everywhere!

It's the last day of school!

This monarch butterfly is visiting the milkweed in our school garden!

I wanted to take a moment to ask, amidst everything, how are you all staying healthy?

And, what will you do to stay healthy all summer long and beyond?

Staying healthy means a lot of different things!

It could be eating vegetables, going for walks, working out, writing poetry, drawing, planting seeds, playing music, cooking, eating, drinking water, being kind to other people, playing with pets, reading, meditating, sleeping, learning something new, taking quiet time, cleaning, playing a fair game, caring for plants, stretching, building something, talking to someone, having alone time, or even laughing and being social with other people in a safe way.

There are many ways for us to stay healthy and I'll be sharing some garden videos throughout the summer showing how are school garden is growing and changing.

Here is a collection of photos of the seeds I just planted for the school garden (mizuna lettuce, flowers, and zucchini) and the food bank donations from the time school closed (I forgot to photograph a couple)...
New seeds:

Food Bank Donations:

This is the most recent one with chard, onions, sugar snap peas, curly leaf kale, four types of lettuce, and mixed herbs!

I miss you all and I hope everyone stays healthy, safe, and curious!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Theme: All Around Us!

Amazing things are all around us, especially if we take the time to look! 

To quote Rick Hanson, "stay with the good," to build resilience, patience, and compassion.

Check out this awesome video from Farmer Ket (and family!) at John Muir Elementary School:

What amazing nature moments have you had during these past couple of months?

Theme: Cycle Stories

  Good day, Gardeners! We usually make "Cycle Stories" in the Fall. Today we tried this activity in Spring!  We found many amazing...