Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Theme: Digging Deeper into Decomposers

 Hi Gardeners, everywhere!

We are deep into the Fall season.

How can you tell?

(...The sunlight hours are shorter, the darkness is getting longer, the temperature is colder, and the soil is damp!)

*In the school garden, mulch (straw) is helping to keep the soil moist and build nutrients. The cover crop was planted to add even more nutrients to the soil. I added a net to keep birds and squirrels from eating all the clovers and peas. 

*Clovers, peas, and fava beans have special roots that help put nitrogen back into the soil:

Getting ready for Winter means taking care of our soil and building a nice home for our 3 decomposer friends: Fungus, bacteria, and invertebrates!

We can add compost to our soil to help it stay healthy!

We can also look for decomposers like worms in the garden:

Activity: Divide your paper into 3 columns. 

If you can, go outside to look for a mushroom and/or an invertebrate. (Bacteria is everywhere, but we can't see it!)

Draw a picture of each of the decomposers (Fungus, bacteria, invertebrates) either from what you found or look for pictures online!

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Theme: Cycle Stories

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