For every 3 bites of food you take, 1 of those bites was touched by a bee!
*That's right - 1 out of every 3 bites of food is completely bee-dependent.
*That's why bees are SO important to our existence.
*Bees, and other pollinators like butterflies, hummingbirds, moths, bats, flies, and some small mammals, are the ESSENTIAL WORKERS of life!
Without pollinators, we won't have enough food and in fact, some pollinators worldwide are dying off, so people now have to use tools to hand-pollinate crops.
In our school garden, we have MANY plants that are completely dependent on bee pollination:
*Actually, plums, almonds, and cherries are in the same family of plants and they are entirely pollinated by bees!
Alright Everyone, Everywhere - Beeeeeeeee well!
Hi Gardener Sarah. I love the videos you took of the bees. I have my own bee suit and I'm a beekeeper. This is Jade.