Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Theme: Seasons, Soil, and Cycles!

 Greetings Scientists!

We've been focusing on seasons, soil, and cycles for the past few weeks so today, we'll read a Native American story about why trees lose their leaves in the fall.

It's a Cherokee story that can be found here: Why Trees Lose Their Leaves

Many people all over the world have stories about seasons. 

Another way to describe why plants change with the seasons is because of changes in sunlight.

Remember our Earth's tilt on the axis?

Changes in sunlight as the Earth rotates around the sun also explains why plants have seasonal changes.

Notice the seasonal changes around you...

Activity - Collect some leaves that tell the story of change and draw the leaves in a cycle.

"Fall Leaves" by Andy Goldsworthy
More AMAZING leaf art found here: Moss and Fog

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Theme: Exploring The Soil Cycle

Hi Gardeners! 

We know we need soil to grow our food. 

But where does soil come from?

This week, we'll be reading "Pumpkin Circle" by George Levenson and start exploring our soil.

The process by which organic material breaks down into soil is called DECOMPOSITION

It's the cycle of life and it's all around us, all the time!

Who are the critters that help with decomposition? 

It's our friends, the FBI:

Activity: Let a small piece of food rot. 
Check it every day. 
What happens to it over time?
Record it by drawing or taking a picture!

Where else have you seen examples of decomposition?

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Theme: Garden to Your Mouth!

 Hello Gardeners!

Let's read the story, "Right This Very Minute," which is about the important work of farmers. 

"Everything we eat and everything we wear comes from SUN, SOIL, WATER, and AIR!"

Did you also know that "Dirt Made My Lunch?" 

(we'll sing this song in our classes!)

We've been looking at the harvest, seasons, and seeds in garden class, which is connected to the food that we eat. 

The food that we eat grows in the soil...

...did you ever stop to think about where soil comes from?

Who makes the soil?

How do we get new soil?

...We'll be learning about DECOMPOSITION in garden classes, next!

Theme: Cycle Stories

  Good day, Gardeners! We usually make "Cycle Stories" in the Fall. Today we tried this activity in Spring!  We found many amazing...