Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Theme: Harvest Time!

 Wow Gardeners! It's Fall!

That means it's harvest time and we are picking a lot of food from the garden! Our garden produce is donated to the Berkeley Food Pantry each week.

This Summer and now into Fall, we grew (or are growing): Lettuce, chard, kale, basil, parsley, sour sorrel, corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, tomatillos, grapes, zucchinis, pumpkins, butternut squash, acorn squash, kabocha squash, beans, garlic, onions, raspberries, potatoes, strawberries, plums, sunflowers, herbs like mint, oregano, chives, and rosemary, and we have ONE persimmon on our Fuyu persimmon tree!

One of my favorite parts of Fall harvest is SAVING SEEDS.

People like Vandana Shiva, an Indian scholar, are teaching the world about the importance of saving seeds and growing your own food:

Visit her website - 

*We can save seeds from each plant we grow and then plant them again in the next season: 

Seeds move from place to place!

*Can you think of ways seeds move around?

*Which seeds would YOU like to save and grow?

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

...Check Your Fennel!

 We are scientists in the garden and that means looking closely at the world around us.

What do you notice outside?

What do you wonder?

What connections can you make between objects in nature?

Look closely at fennel - it grows commonly in the Bay Area and has feathery foliage and yellow umbrella flowers! You might see an Anise Swallowtail caterpillar, munching away!

This video was taken by Farmer Ben at Sylvia Mendez Elementary School in Berkeley:

Theme: Cycle Stories

  Good day, Gardeners! We usually make "Cycle Stories" in the Fall. Today we tried this activity in Spring!  We found many amazing...